Tuesday, August 25, 2020
John Buford in the Civil War
John Buford in the Civil War Significant General John Buford was a prominent rangers official in the Union Army during the Civil War. In spite of the fact that from a slave-holding family in Kentucky, he chose to stay faithful to the Union when battling started in 1861. Buford separated himself at the Second Battle of Manassas and later held a few significant mounted force positions in the Army of the Potomac. He is best associated with the job he played during the early periods of the Battle of Gettysburg. Showing up in the town, his division held basic high ground north and guaranteed that the Army of the Potomac had the basic slopes south of Gettysburg. Early Life John Buford was conceived March 4, 1826, close to Versailles, KY and was the principal child of John and Anne Banister Buford. In 1835, his mom kicked the bucket from cholera and the family moved to Rock Island, IL. Plunged from a long queue of military men, the youthful Buford before long substantiated himself a talented rider and a skilled marksmen. At fifteen years old, he ventured out to Cincinnati to work with his more established relative on an Army Corps of Engineers venture on the Licking River. While there, he went to Cincinnati College before communicating a longing to go to West Point. After year at Knox College, he was acknowledged to the institute in 1844. Quick Facts: Major General John Buford Rank: GeneralService: US/Union ArmyNickname: Old SteadfastBorn: March 4, 1826 in Woodford County, KYDied: December 16, 1863 in Washington, DCParents: John and Anne Banister BufordSpouse: Martha (Pattie) McDowell DukeConflicts: Civil WarKnown For: Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Brandy Station, and Battle of Gettysburg. Turning into a Soldier Showing up at West Point, Buford substantiated himself an equipped and decided understudy. Squeezing through the course of study, he graduated sixteenth of 38 in the Class of 1848. Mentioning administration in the rangers, Buford was charged into the First Dragoons as a brevet second lieutenant. His stay with the regiment was brief as he was before long moved to the recently shaped Second Dragoons in 1849. Serving on the boondocks, Buford partook in a few battles against the Indians and was named regimental officer in 1855. The next year he separated himself at the Battle of Ash Hollow against the Sioux. In the wake of supporting in harmony keeping endeavors during the Bleeding Kansas emergency, Buford participated in the Mormon Expedition under Colonel Albert S. Johnston. Presented on Fort Crittenden, UT in 1859, Buford, presently a chief, considered crafted by military scholars, for example, John Watts de Peyster, who pushed for supplanting the customary line of fight with the engagement line. He additionally turned into a follower of the conviction that mounted force should battle got off as versatile infantry as opposed to race into fight. Buford was still at Fort Crittenden in 1861 when the Pony Express welcomed expression of the assault on Fort Sumter. The Civil War Begins With the start of the Civil War, Buford was drawn nearer by the Governor of Kentucky in regards to taking a commission to battle for the South. In spite of the fact that from a slave-holding family, Buford accepted his obligation was to the United States and straight won't. Voyaging east with his regiment, he arrived at Washington, DC and was named partner overseer general with the position of major in November 1861. Buford stayed in this backwater post until Major General John Pope, a companion from the prewar armed force, saved him in June 1862. Elevated to brigadier general, Buford was provided order of the II Corps Cavalry Brigade in Popes Army of Virginia. That August, Buford was one of a couple of Union officials to separate themselves during the Second Manassas Campaign. In the weeks prompting the fight, Buford gave Pope opportune and essential knowledge. On August 30, as Union powers were crumbling at Second Manassas, Buford drove his men in an edgy battle at Lewis Ford to purchase Pope time to withdraw. Specifically driving a charge forward, he was injured in the knee by a spent slug. In spite of the fact that agonizing, it was anything but a genuine injury.​​​ Armed force of the Potomac While he recouped, Buford was named Chief of Cavalry for Major General George McClellans Army of the Potomac. A to a great extent authoritative position, he was in this limit at the Battle of Antietam in September 1862. Kept in his post by Major General Ambrose Burnside he was available at the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13. In the wake of the destruction, Burnside was mitigated and Major General Joseph Hooker took order of the military. Returning Buford to the field, Hooker provided him order of the Reserve Brigade, first Division, Cavalry Corps. Buford first observed activity in quite a while new order during the Chancellorsville Campaign as part Major General George Stonemans attack into A confederate area. Despite the fact that the strike itself neglected to accomplish its targets, Buford performed well. A hands-on leader, Buford was regularly found close to the bleeding edges empowering his men. Old Steadfast Perceived as one of the top mounted force administrators in either armed force, his companions alluded to him as Old Steadfast. With Stonemans disappointment, Hooker calmed the mounted force leader. While he considered the dependable, calm Buford for the post, he rather chose the flashier Major General Alfred Pleasonton. Hooker later expressed that he felt that committed an error in sitting above Buford. As a major aspect of the redesign of the Cavalry Corps, Buford was provided order of the first Division. In this job, he instructed the traditional of Pleasontons assault on Major General J.E.B. Stuarts Confederate mounted force at Brandy Station on June 9, 1863. In a day-long battle, Bufords men prevailing with regards to driving back the foe before Pleasonton requested a general withdrawal. In the next weeks, Bufords division gave key knowledge in regards to Confederate developments north and every now and again conflicted with Confederate mounted force. Gettysburg Entering Gettysburg, PA on June 30, Buford understood that the high ground south of the town would be key in any fight battled in the zone. Realizing that any battle including his division would be a deferring activity, he got off and posted his troopers on the low edges north and northwest of town with the objective of purchasing time for the military to come up and involve the statures. Assaulted the following morning by Confederate powers, his dwarfed men battled a two and half hour holding activity which took into consideration Major General John Reynolds I Corps to show up on the field. As the infantry assumed control over the battle, Bufords men secured their flanks. On July 2, Bufords division watched the southern piece of the war zone before being pulled back by Pleasanton. Bufords sharp eye for landscape and strategic mindfulness on July 1 made sure about for the Union the situation from which they would win the Battle of Gettysburg and switch things around of the war. In the days following the Union triumph, Bufords men sought after General Robert E. Remains armed force south as it pulled back to Virginia. Last Months In spite of the fact that lone 37, Bufords persevering style of order was challenging for his body and by mid-1863 he experienced seriously stiffness. Despite the fact that he oftentimes required help mounting his pony, he regularly stayed in the seat throughout the day. Buford proceeded to viably lead the first Division through the fall and the uncertain Union crusades at Bristoe and Mine Run. On November 20, Buford had to leave the field because of an inexorably serious instance of typhoid. This constrained him to divert down a proposal from Major General William Rosecrans to assume control over the Army of the Cumberlands rangers. Heading out to Washington, Buford remained at the home of George Stoneman. With his condition exacerbating, his previous officer spoke to President Abraham Lincoln for a deathbed advancement to significant general. Lincoln concurred and Buford was educated in his last hours. Around 2:00 PM on December 16, Buford kicked the bucket in the arms of his associate Captain Myles Keogh. Following a remembrance administration in Washington on December 20, Bufords body was shipped to West Point for entombment. Cherished by his men, the individuals from his previous division added to have a huge pillar worked over his grave in 1865.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hypothesis Testing Essay
The expectation of theory testing is to let a man to take between two unique speculations refering to the estimation of a populace parametric amount. Learning crew C has led a theory preliminary environing the total of clasp spent on prep by guys and females. what's more, will go to if there is a correlativity between the factors. Also. larning crew C will discover if there is a positive or negative correlativity. furthermore, how solid that correlativity is between the two factors. In general. insights can be extremely yearning and we will divide the absolute most mysterious develops experienced in Quantitative Analysis for Business consequently far. At the point when convey oning a theory preliminary. it is basic that a void speculation is distinguished. The void theory is the speculation that is thought to be genuine except if there is adequate bounty grounds to turn out that it is bogus ( McClave. 2011 ) . The void theory for this investigation: Is the normal whole of clasp spent on prep by females equivalent to the entirety of clasp spent on prep by guys? The learned hugeness degree is. 05. which implies that there is a five for each centum opportunity that we will dismiss the void speculation. in any event, when it is valid. The movement informations set gave were eight informations focuses to grown-up females and six informations focuses for work powers. As a result of the little example size. we have directed a t-test for this investigation. The evaluations of opportunity equivalent 12. which we allot a basic estimation of 2. 179 from a t-table. In the event that the preliminary measurement ( t-measurement ) is not exactly - 2. 179. or then again more noteworthy than 2. 179 we will dismiss the void speculation for the choice. The t-measurement for the clasp spent on prep by work powers and grown-up females is †. 4899. This consider does non fall along with the dismissal part. so we neglect to dismiss the void speculation. As it were. the normal total of clasp spent on prep by work powers and grown-up females are equivalent with a 95 for every centum affirmation degree. We have other than decided the correlativity coefficient. The correlativity coefficient ( signified by the letter R ) is the progression of the evaluation of added substance connection between two factors ( Webster. edu. n. d. ) . The correlativity coefficient ca n be any an incentive between negative one and one. On the off chance that the correlativity coefficient mark is negative. it implies that as one variable declines the other variable increases. The inverse is valid for a positive correlativity coefficient. in the event that the estimation of one variable expands the other variable lessenings. It is of import to see that correlativity does non needfully plan causing ; we can non assume a correct choice dependent on correlativity completely. For this analysis. the correlativity between work powers and grown-up females was 0. 346102651. At the point when informations with estimations of R are near zero. they demonstrate little to no straight-line relationship ( Taylor. 2015 ) . Despite the fact that the correlativity for this trial was certain. it is non a solid correlativity. The closer the estimation of R to zero offices that there is a more noteworthy change around the line of best fit of rage ( Laerd Statistics. 2015 ) . Statisticss can be a truly running subject. what's more, there have been a few builds that have demonstrated to be hard for every individual from larning crew C. Numerous crew individuals battle with the correct selection of articulations in Microsoft Excel. while others battle to supplant esteems into the numerous conditions engaged with insights. There are other than army images to recover. also, fairly place while figuring a condition. From a calculated perspective. chance is extreme liable to hang on. The build itself appears to be unintuitive. what's more, is difficult to comprehend an immaterial develop that depends on mystery and the best open door that a man needs to see some occasion is arbitrary ( chance ) . At the point when you take that develop and try to do it touchable by seting it into a condition. things get rather perplexing. Speculation demonstrating can be acceptable when a man is looking for decide on what theory to take refering to the estimation of a populace parametric amount. At the point when make up one's disapproving to carry on speculation demonstrating it is of import to go through the five stairss of the theory demonstrating process that include: making premises. saying the nothing and exchange theory. finding the correct preliminary measurement and attempting conveyance. computing the preliminary results. furthermore, translating the assurance ( Boston University. n. d. ) . Deciphering the assurance can incorporate looking at the offices for every one of the gatherings can give a superior anxiety of where each gathering falls as a standard. Deciphering the assurance other than incorporates discovering whether there is a correlativity between the two factors and discovering whether the correlativity is certain or negative. For this test. the end was to discover if there was a significant contrast for cut spent creation prep by guys and females. Theory testing is utilized to discover if there is satisfactory measurable grounds to back up a specific conviction about a parametric amount. MentionsBoston University. ( n. d. ) . The 5 stairss in theory testing. Recovered from Boston University. site. Laerd Statistics. ( 2015 ) . Pearson-item minute correlativity. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/measurements. laerd. com/factual aides/pearson-connection coefficient-measurable guide. php McClave. J. T. ( 2011 ) . Insights for concern and monetary sciences ( eleventh ed. ) . Boston. Mama: Pearson Education. Taylor. C. ( 2015 ) . Step by step instructions to figure the correlativity coefficient. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/insights. about. com/od/Descriptive-Statistics/a/How-To-Calculate-The-Correlation-Coefficient. htm Webster. edu. ( n. d. ) . Relationship. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/www2. Webster. edu/~woolflm/relationship/connection. hypertext markup language
Friday, August 7, 2020
5 Takeaways from News Literacy EdCamp
5 Takeaways from News Literacy EdCamp (0) Fake news is such a hot term right now that it’s difficult to spend a day without hearing it mentioned. From Twitter, to Facebook, to even our own president, it’s definitely one of the buzzwords of 2017. Since we, as adults, are seeing and hearing news articles and journalists being accused of publishing fake news, that means that our students are seeing and hearing about it, too. The best way to help combat fake news is to teach our students what it is, what it looks like, how to spot it, and how to prevent it. I did just that, spending a full day at The News Literacy Project TIME Inc.’s News Literacy EdCamp, held on August 1, at TIME Inc.’s Lower Manhattan headquarters. The day was filled with news literacy workshops, resources, and speakers. Running the show for the day was Peter Adams, a former teacher, and the current Senior Vice President of Educational Programs at the News Literacy Project. Here are the five biggest takeaways from the day. Keep these in mind when teaching your students about fake news: 1. There is a difference between fake news, propaganda, and misinformation If you’re like me, you believe that fake news is any news article that doesn’t convey the truth. Well, that’s actually incorrect. There is a big difference between fake news, misinformation, and propaganda, and all three have different definitions. Peter Adams defines fake news as, “a very specific kind of misinformation: fabrications, designed to look like journalism, to make money.†So, fake news articles that are created and pushed out as click bait to gain advertising dollars is fake news. Misinformation is when a story is intentionally created to deceive or fool you. A friend might create a fake news headline to make friends laugh or entertain them. Satirical stories, such as ones on The Onion are also examples of misinformation. Propaganda is the creation of a biased or misleading story or advertisement to promote an idea, an individual in politics, or a politically motivated belief. One example is J. Howard Miller’s iconic “We Can Do It!†(also known as “Rosie the Riveterâ€) poster. It was initially designed to motivate women workers during World War II. Later, it was used as an image to promote feminism. In both cases, it can be considered an example of propaganda. Teaching students what these terms mean and how to identify them makes them aware of each term’s differences and consequences. 2. Google’s Reverse Image Search helps students identify the origin of photos We look at online photographs and usually believe they accurately represent what their captions state. Unfortunately, images are often taken out of context and reused for other purposes. News Literacy EdCamp speaker, Elaine Arradillas, Crime Reporter at People Magazine, discussed the importance of teaching students to “take that extra step,†to verify if the photographs and images we’re looking at are credible. Follow the instructions on Tech-Recipes’ “How to Do a Google Reverse Image Search,†to learn the three ways to search for the origin of an image. Teach students how to use this helpful tool to verify if the information they’re seeing is credible. 3. It’s easier than you think to create fake news and misinformation There are numerous websites to create fake headlines, fake magazine covers, fake Twitter accounts, even fake verified Twitter accounts! One of the most shocking sites that I watched Peter Adams share and demonstrate is called CloneZone. This website allows users to easily modify the text on almost any website out there. Look how simple it was for me to change the homepage view of . See if you can spot the 5 differences. Screenshot of ’s actual homepage: Screenshot of ’s homepage, modified with CloneZone: It’s pretty shocking that in just a minute, I was able to modify the text, using the same fonts, colors, and letter sizes as ’s actual homepage. Scary, right? Upon learning about these various sites and tools, the first thought that came to my mind was “I hope my students never find out about these websites!†However, after reflecting on what I saw and how much I learned from it, I feel it’s important to share these websites with students. Show them that these tools are out there and that people are using them to mislead and misinform the public and YOU! Peter Adams went on to say that even creating misinformation for your friends or network can become problematic. Stories can spread like wildfire. Even if it’s just for your close friends and network, you don’t control how they will interpret and share that information. Once you put it out on the Internet, it’s no longer just yours. 4. Even if an article shares both sides of an argument, it doesn’t mean that the article is neutral. To detect bias, one technique I’ve taught my students is to make sure that an article features both sides of an argument. At NewsLiteracy EdCamp, I found that even if both sides are featured in an article, it can still be biased due to what is called “false balance†or “false equivalency.†False balance, or false equivalency, is when an article shows a drastic side promoting one side of an argument. The article may touch upon or briefly share one tidbit about the other viewpoint, but it drastically promotes one side. An example is when an article states something to the tune of, “97% of scientists say that global warming is a significant problem. One person states that it actually isn’t a problem at all and is a fabrication for government agencies to collect tax money.†While yes, both sides are discussed, there clearly is a false balance, or false equivalency. It isn’t enough to teach our students to make sure that both sides of an argument are featured in a trustworthy news story. We have to take it a step further and teach them to take into account how each viewpoint is discussed and positioned. 5. Use News Literacy Camp’s Checkology to help teach news and information skills News Literacy Project’s Checkology program teaches students the core skills they need to be news and information literate. The 12 interactive lessons feature videos and commentary from news industry leaders, quizzes, and discussion questions. While the program is recommended for students in grades 8 through 12, I recently used portions of it with my fifth grade students. It’s simple to adapt the content and differentiate it for other ages. Checkology is free for the 2017-2018 school year. If you’re interested in learning more about it and registering for the site, check it out here. Kudos to Peter Adams and his team for spending a full day with New York City area teachers, librarians, and education specialists to make sure we understand the ins and outs of fake news. It was an engaging and informative workshop; one that I hope will be offered again.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Original Sin - 1617 Words
Doctrines are used as a foundation to Christian beliefs. They serve to many churches as fundamentals in the direction their members chose to live their lives. It is important to understand the historical backgrounds of the doctrines that pertain to ones particular beliefs. I will be discussing this very information for the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin mostly pertains to the Roman Catholic religion. I will be covering when, where, and why the doctrine was originated. Original sin is the theory that every man is born into sin because our mother and father have sinned. The definition given by the Catholic Encyclopedia is: (1) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this first sin, the hereditary stain†¦show more content†¦So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but t he evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? (Romans 7:15-24) The solution to this problem is stated by Paul in these terms: For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do: sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:3-4) Though the New Testament doctrine of original sin is most clearly expressed by Paul, it is also implicit in the teachings of Jesus: for example in such words as: And Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. (Mark 10:18) and I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, forShow MoreRelatedThe Sin Of The Original Sin961 Words  | 4 PagesWhen I think of the Original Sin, I think of the world’s first sinâ€â€the patriarchy and matriarchy sin. Today, the world consists of sinners begging the Lord for forgivenessâ€â€thanks to Adam and Eve. How different would the world be if Adam and Eve did not bit the forbidden fruit? Would such sin still exist today? â€Å"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness†(1 John 1:9 King James Version). 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He asks, â€Å"But if all whom the Lord predestines to death are naturally liable to be sentenced to death, of what injustice do they complain?†In the most impartial understanding of justice, all are abhorred by G od because of original sin. It’s the original sin that everyone deserves to be predestined to reprobation. The mystery of why God determined it to be favorable to his glory, to allow the fall, but it’s just that he should elect some to reprobation as the conclusion. â€Å"Humans fall,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Through The Looking Glass Article Review - 856 Words
Through the Looking Glass: Article Review Introduction The peer reviewed article by Caffo (2011), â€Å"Through the Looking Glass: Instinctual and Cultural Influences on U.S. Worker’s Views of Ethics and the Workplace†demonstrates three possible explanations for self-evaluating the process of ethical decision making. This is a thought provoking article, which explains the ambiguous human perspective on ethical behavior. Although there are no specific studies associated with this article, it does however theorize that there are three specific observations, which best explain work related ethical behaviors. The scholarly article’s hypothesizes that human instincts, cultures, and polarizing pressures between social and individual responsibilities all affect people’s â€Å"ethical†decision making. Also, the article’s methods used, its results, and its overall significance will be analyzed and presented. The Hypothesis There are three different hypotheses, which are presented in this article. First, that ethical decision making derives from human biological instincts, which have been developed for self-preservation. Secondly, that these biological instincts vary, depending on the individual or group’s ability to conduct thorough assessments of what conduct is beneficial. Thirdly, that ethics are influenced by cultural environments, especially larger organizations. Altogether, these hypotheses are all interconnected due to the fact they help to influence individual and groupShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality in Womens Rugby1181 Words  | 5 Pagesthese assumptions are in a way confining each one of us to act and live according to a specific template. In relation to the sport of rugby, which is viewed as masculine sport, females who participate are not following the norm. According to the article, â€Å"Rugby is inappropriate for girls or women for obvious psychological reasons (Joncher ay Tlili, 2013, p. 1). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Boo.Com, the Failure Free Essays
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS; Boo. com, Online Fashion Retailer, Goes Out of Business By ANDREW ROSS SORKIN Published: May 19, 2000 It was supposed to follow the dot-com fairy tale script. Two young entrepreneurs devise an idea for the next big e-commerce Web site, raise enormous sums of cash, spend lavishly on advertising, lose money on every sale, take the company public and make every employee a billionaire. We will write a custom essay sample on Boo.Com, the Failure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today, Boo. com, a European fashion e-tailer backed by the French luxury goods magnate Bernard Arnault, the Benetton family, Goldman, Sachs Company and J. P. Morgan, among others, is insolvent and has been forced to call the liquidators, six months after its Internet debut. The concept for Boo. com seemed plausible enough. Ernst Malmsten and Kajsa Leander, two 29-year-old Swedes, founded Boo. com here in 1998, planning to create an online fashion retailer that would provide global service in seven languages and multiple currencies. And, of course, the site would use the most advanced technology. Boo. com bragged of its ability to let users view products in three dimensions from 360 degrees, giving them a true sense of how a garment looked. Investors were so taken with the idea and its two founders  Ms. Leander had been an Elite model and both had started an online bookstore called Bokus. com  that Boo. com was able raise $125 million almost immediately from an elite roster of the extremely wealthy. Before even starting Boo. com, the founders promoted the site in trade journals and glossy fashion magazines. But it was also clear that the founders were excessively ambitious. The company established its headquarters on swanky Carnaby Street in London, with satellite offices in New York, Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam and Munich. The staff expanded from 40 initially to more than 400. Employees routinely flew first class and stayed in five-star hotels, according to a former staff member. Many were given laptops and Palm Pilots for home use, according to this person, and the company used Federal Express to send regular mail. †They had very little spending restraint, to put it mildly,†said Noah Yasskin, an analyst at the London office of Jupiter Communications, an Internet research firm. The site itself was also plagued by technical problems and delays, and took twice as long as anticipated to evelop. Once up and running, it became clear that users without fast connections to the Internet could not use the site, a point Boo. com boasted about. That e-snobbery alienated customers with more modest modem speeds, which happened to be most of Europe and the United States, Boo. com’s two most important markets. †Ninety-nine percent of European and 98 percent of U. S. homes lack the bandwidth needed to easily access such animation,†Therese Torris, an analyst at Forrester Research in Amsterdam, wrote in a report. And anyone with a Macintosh computer could not use the site. While Boo. com later adjusted itself to allow users with slower connections and Macs to gain access, the changes came too late. Sales for the first three months of the site’s operation were $680,000, while the company was blowing through more than $1 million a month. The end came as Boo. com’s founders, with only $500,000 left, struggled in vain to find backers to plow more money into the site. ‘We are deeply disappointed that it has been necessary to ask KPMG to become liquidators of the company,†the co-founders and investors said in a joint statement. †The senior management of Boo. com has made strenuous efforts over the last few weeks to raise the additional funds which would have allowed the company to go forward with a clear plan. †Over the last several weeks, Mr. Malmsten and Ms. Leander, who together own about 40 percent of the company, had been pleading with investors to ante up more. According to a spokesman for Mr. Arnault: †He didn’t want to take the risk. He would have been willing to stay involved if he could have had more control. †In fact, in an interview in Paris several weeks ago about his Internet holdings, Mr. Arnault refused to discuss Boo. com. Whether Boo. com’s failure presages further problems for clothing e-tailers is unclear. But some Internet analysts said Boo. com’s rise and fall reflect a problem that goes beyond just selling clothes. . †The market has woken up to the fact that the amount of business e-tailers like Boo. om generate is a lot lower than we anticipated,†said Tony Shiret, an analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston in London. †A key turning point was what happened in the U. S. over Christmas,†he added, referring to many online retailers that reported missed sales projections. †It’s been disappointing. †On Wednesday, PricewaterhouseCoopers released a report predicting that 25 percent of a ll Internet companies in Britain could exhaust their cash within six months. Still, the problems at Boo. com problems were somewhat self-inflicted, Mr. Yasskin said. †They tried to do too much,†he said. †Opening up in multiple countries simultaneously is impossible. †One major stumbling block for Boo. com may simply have been the type of merchandise it was trying to sell. †If you look at successful sites, they are driven by price,†Mr. Shiret said. †It is very hard to sell clothing at a cost base that makes sense without the scale. †Indeed, Boo. com never competed on price like most other retailers; it hoped to woo customers with its interactive services and convenience. Nonetheless, Boo. com might be worth something, even if it is only a fraction of the $400 million value its founders once ascribed to the company. KPMG, which is managing the liquidation process, said today that it had received more than 30 inquiries. In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph earlier this month, Mr. Malmsten admitted he might have made missteps. †We have made some mistakes and we were late with our launch, yes,†he said. †But people are welcome to come ’round here into our offices and see what is going on now. †How to cite Boo.Com, the Failure, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Bipolar Disorder3 Essay Example For Students
Bipolar Disorder3 Essay The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. History has shown that this affliction can appear in almost anyone. Even the great painter Vincent Van Gogh is believed to have had bipolar disorder. It is clear that in our society many people live with bipolar disorder; however, despite the abundance of people suffering from the it, we are still waiting for definite explanations for the causes and cure. The one fact of which we are painfully aware is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Because bipolar disorder has such debilitating symptoms, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in the quest for explanations of its causes and treatment. Affective disorders are characterized by a smorgasbord of symptoms that can be broken into manic and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). Bipolar affective disorder affects approximately one percent of the population (approximately three million people) in the United States. It is presented by both males and females. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania and depression. These episodes may alternate with profound depressions characterized by a pervasive sadness, almost inability to move, hopelessness, and disturbances in appetite, sleep, in concentrations and driving. Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs whether depression has been diagnosed or not (Goodwin, Guze, 1989, p 11). For adults the change from manic to depressed can take months. They often have periods of normal behavior in between their episodes of mania and depression (Bipolar 1). Bipolar Disorder is a biochemical imbalance that causes major mood changes from the highs of mania, to the very lows of depression (My Child 1). Doctors say What goes up must come down with the highs and lows of this disorder, but the cycles are very unpredictable and vary in Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctors make in their diagnosis. length. The times of depression and mania stages are not equal in time (Basic Terminology 1). In children only about .5% have bipolar disorder. The disorder is most common in males in children (Childhood 1). In adults one percent or about four million people of the population is affected by the disorder (Who Gets Bipolar 1). Bipolar Disorder affects women equally (Expert 1). The normal range of age that the disorder appears in is between the ages 15 and 25 (Alternative 1). The cause of Bipolar disorder is still a mystery. Doctors know that there is a strong genetic condition that may have something to do with it (Childhood 1). One of the most important things to have when diagnosing a child with bipolar disorder is to have an accurate family history (Facts 1). With one parent with the disorder they say the chances of each child having it is 15-30%, when both parents have the disorder the risk incr3eases to 50-75% of each child having it. In siblings and fraternal twins there is a 15-25% percent, and in identical twins there is about a 70% chance of having the disorder. (About Early-Onset 4). In adolescents a loss or some other traumatic event might trigger an episode of either depression or mania. Later episodes of mania or depression may occur independently because of any other obvious trigger, such as stress, or the episode may worsen with any additional added stresses. Puberty is also a time of risk for children (About Early-Onset 3). There are also factors of the persons environment, stressful life events can trigger an episode from anything from a death in the family to losing a job or Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctors make in their diagnosis. having a baby, or moving to a different city (Bailey 1). Nearly anything can trigger a persons change in mood, there might not be any obvious triggers at all (Bipolar 1). .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 , .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .postImageUrl , .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 , .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:hover , .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:visited , .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:active { border:0!important; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:active , .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2 .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufcd6d18203fd33d4363d351712ad9dc2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Daily Life In Rome Essay On average people with Bipolar Disorder, especially children, usually go through three to four doctors, and go through about eight years trying to find what works before they can obtain a correct diagnosis (Expert 1). When diagnosing a child with bipolar disorder doctors have to be very careful that they do not make the wrong diagnosis (Childhood 1). It is very tricky to make a bipolar diagnosis in children because of all the other disorders that can go along with it. .
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Genesis As Myth Essays - Abrahamic Mythology, Christian Mythology
Genesis As Myth In the book, Genesis As Myth, by Edmund Leach. He stated that everybody had different views on myth's in Genesis. For example German theologian who defined myth as the "expression of unobservable realities in terms of observable phenomena." This German theologian, who is relating this to the devout Christian, which indicates that all sanctimonious Christians believe that the bible is strictly a myth. I in the other hand disagree to that argument because, the Christians believed that the bible was not a myth, and the events that happened in the bible are true. My reasoning for that remark is, that most Christians were raised to believe that the bible was true and we weren't able to argue with it's readings. We feel that the importance of the myth is more likely to be less probable. This German theologian believed that communica? tion has an important role in myth's throughout the bible. I believe that all mythological systems that recur in stories, oc? cur in many different versions. He stated that "man is created in Genesis, and then he created all over again. And, as if two first men were not enough, we also have Noah in chapter eight." A quote from the bible that states "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord." The German Theologian says that "God against the world and the world itself for ever dividing into opposites on either side: male and female, living and dead, good and evil, first and last." In a different example Edmund Leach stated that "Solomon the wise, the great king, the builder of the temple, nevertheless is a sinner in that he loved many strange woman, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, woman of the moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians and hittites." Taken as its face value, the text of the old testament represents the relation between the various tribal groups involved as one of "binary segmentation" of the most consistent kind. The view that history in the old testament has more in com? mon with production than with history in an "ordinary aca? demic sense" is not itself at all new. Relatively orthodox Van Rad points out that "Sauls disasters seem to follow one upon another with the inevitability of Greek tragedy" I Think That Van Rad demonstrated the existence of a kind of patterning which was not previously suspected in the previous verses of the bible. To illustrate another point, Edmund Leach expresses that the "So-called primitive ignorance of paternity is nothing else but a very imperfect knowledge that intercourse is a necessary though not sufficient condition of the woman being ?opened up'." Jesus is a legal status as a man and his essential natural as God. Joseph is the husband of Mary, and in this legal sense he belongs to the "lineage" of David. The divine basis derives from the fact that the male fragment of his conception was the holy spirit which entered Mary's body by a unnatural route. Edmund Leach indicated that "Mary was impregnated through the ear." In conclusion I feel that Edmund Leach was a very good author and his logic was very influential in my understanding why myth's can miss-guide one's judgement and beliefs. I've tried to see the connections between the facts and the myth's as we know them. In this book of Genesis and Myth's. I feel that it is hard to determine the myth's from the facts, as we discussed in class earlier. Although this book helped me look into things more deeply. It made me wonder what is actually true or is it a myth?
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Format Block Quotations
How to Format Block Quotations How to Format Block Quotations How to Format Block Quotations By Mark Nichol A block quotation is a distinct body of type set off from the default text (also called the running text), usually distinguished by insertion of line spaces above and below and formatting of a narrower margin (and sometimes even type of a different point size or a distinct font). When reproducing written text from another source, consider setting the quoted material off from the rest of the content in a block quotation if it is more than a hundred words long. consists of more than one paragraph. is made up of a number of shorter passages (so that it would resemble an indented list without numbers or bullets). constitutes a letter or other correspondence, complete with salutation, signature, and the like, or another type of templated form. requires any special formatting. However, determine whether it might be better to simply paraphrase a long quotation in one or more normal paragraphs with perhaps some partial quotations when phrases should be reproduced verbatim. When the first line of each paragraph in the running text is indented, block quotations of a single paragraph, and the first of multiple paragraphs, are not indented, but subsequent ones should be. When paragraphs in running text are distinguished not by indentation but by line spaces, follow the same format in block quotations. If the block quotation is inserted in a framing paragraph that continues after the quotation, do not indent the first line of the rest of the paragraph. If paragraphs are set off by line spaces, a new paragraph that immediately follows a block quotation should be separated from the quotation by two line spaces so that the new paragraph is not mistaken for a continuation of the paragraph in which the quotation is inserted. When a block quotation is the continuation of an introductory sentence, use punctuation or capitalization (or a lack thereof) accordingly. In this case, the quotation is a continuation of the introduction, so no punctuation or capitalization is necessary: â€Å"The writer described the apparition as a tall, thin wraith of diaphanous constitution, as if made of smoke . . . .†(Note also that a block quotation is not enclosed in quotation marks; it is assumed that such an excerpt is quoted material.) If the first word of the quoted material had originally been capitalized (â€Å"A tall, thin wraith . . .†), silently correct it, as above; it’s not necessary to call attention to the change, as is sometimes done in specialized contexts (â€Å"[a] tall, thin wraith . . .†). A lead-in line consisting of a complete clause, and the first word of the following quotation, should be treated otherwise: â€Å"The writer described the apparition as follows: It was a tall, thin wraith of diaphanous constitution, as if made of smoke . . . .†The same rules hold for run-in quotations (those that are assimilated into the running text): â€Å"The sage says that ‘a fool and his money are soon parted.’†(Though the adage, standing alone, would begin with an uppercase a, it is part of the framing sentence here and must be lowercased; alternatively, you could write, â€Å"The sage says, ‘A fool and his money are soon parted.’†) If the writer wishes to amend or comment on a quotation, several strategies are available: To clarify that a typographical error is in the original, insert sic (Latin for â€Å"thus,†or â€Å"so,†and meaning â€Å"as originally published†), italicized and in brackets, after the offense. Take care, however, not to employ this term as a textual smirk, and if the quotation is full of unconventional, outdated, or variant spelling, an explanatory note before the quotation is preferable to a quotation repeatedly interrupted by [sic]. When you don’t need the entire quotation to illustrate a point, you may delete irrelevant passages and indicate the elision with ellipsis points. However, it is not necessary to precede or follow a passage with ellipses to indicate that you are not reproducing the entire text from which the excerpt is derived; the reader will assume this. If you must make comment or clarify a point, enclose the note in brackets, but be as concise as possible, or provide a longer explanatory note outside the quotation. If you wish to emphasize one or more words or phrases, follow the quotation with the parenthesized note â€Å"Italics added†or â€Å"Emphasis mine,†or vice versa. But a quotation with extant italicization should be treated differently: Insert the comment in brackets immediately following your emphasis. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because†or â€Å"Because Of†How to Punctuate Descriptions of ColorsTitled versus Entitled
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
International Marketing Plan for Monmouth Coffee House Essay
International Marketing Plan for Monmouth Coffee House - Essay Example Monmouth will open its first coffee house in Colombo, which is the capital city of Sri Lanka. This investment decision was made after considering the geographic, legal, political, economic, natural and cultural aspects as well as the competitiveness of the potential market. Formally known as the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka is located south of India, on an Island in the Indian Ocean. The Countries economic backbone is agriculture, but industry and services sectors also play a big role in the economy. Colombo, the city that has been selected as the starting point for Monmouth’s business, is largely a commercial capital, where several foreign based organizations have operations. The country’s scenic beaches, historical sites, and tropical climate are quite popular with tourists. The booming tourism industry has prompted the development of infrastructure, and this invariably provides a good business opportunity for a small organization such as Monm outh. Sri Lanka’s resources include gemstones, limestone, mica, graphite, quartz, slate and industrial clays. The country is also a key producer of extracted minerals and cash crops that include tobacco, tea, rubber, and coconut. Coffee is also available in the country, but the supply is quite low (Reddy 2003). Hence it is important for Monmouth to consider the issue of finding a reliable local or foreign supplier in its logistics planning. The city of Colombo is relatively easy to reach and navigate through due to its efficient transportation network. Most residents of Colombo and Sri Lanka as a whole rely on radio as the main tool of mass communication. Television is also used by a large percentage of the country’s population. There are also three daily newspapers published in Sri Lanka (Cummings 2007). Hence, Monmouth will use the three media tools used in the country for advertising purposes. Culture Culture is one of the most important factors to consider when ven turing into a new market. Individual cultures are constantly being shaped by different variables such as values, attitudes, religion, manners and attitudes, aesthetics, norms and customs, social institutions, technology and education. Official records indicate that there are roughly 20 million Sri Lankans who mainly come from the Tamil and Sinhalese ethnic groups. Both Sinhala and Tamil are used as the national and official languages of Sri Lanka. English is spoken mainly in urban areas including Colombo, as the second language. The city has a population of about 2 million people. Many of these people are
Monday, February 3, 2020
Strategic management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strategic management - Term Paper Example They are the leaders in investment banking, wealth management and a host of other services. The biggest change that ever took place in the history of the financial institutions was the merger with Bank One. This change primarily took place because the other banks like the Bank of America were almost ready to merge with other big banks like FleetBoston. This merger took place because the financial institutions came under increasing pressure during the time of recession. The announcement of this merger was made on 14 January 2004. The Wall Street reacted very positively because of this merger and the NASDAQ witnessed growth soon after the merger took place. This change took place because the two financial institutions wanted to downsize and cut the deadwood out. The aim was to save about $2.2 billion over three years and it was planned to eliminate as many as 10,000 people. This again goes to show how desperate even the biggest financial institutions were at the time of recession. Mergers and acquisitions were very common and these overtures were the initial signs which showed that almost all the big financial institutions were panicking. Volatile corporate banking was the major factor on which JP Morgan primarily functioned. The investors looked less enthusiastic with the deal between Bank of America and Fleet-Boston. This deal was for a whopping $48 billion. The shares of Fleet-Boston were driven up as a result of this deal because Bank of America offered 40% premium in this deal. The shares of Bank of America however came down and the investors lost a lot of money consequently. Big mergers take place because both the companies involved in the merger want to grow at a tremendous pace but this merger was not very useful for both the financial institutions. The collapse of WORLDCOM in the year 2005 signaled trouble for JP Morgan chase, the institution had to pay a whopping sum of $2 billion. This sum was paid to the different
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Beer’s model states that change is more complex than the Lewin model
Beer’s model states that change is more complex than the Lewin model Introduction Change is an inevitable part of life. Change is also an important part of a business life; it allows a business to adapt to its environment and to improve its market position. Change signifies the willingness of the affected parties to embrace and function in a newly established order and their commitment to effect and implement the changes (Armstrong, 2004). The generic definition of change as defined by Hughes (2006) is any alteration in the status quo. Changes within an organisation may take place for many reasons. It is sometimes done in order to introduce a new more efficient way of working or producing a product. It is sometimes done to re-organise the organizations work force. Organisations will evolve and change within the course of their lives. Change management is referred to as the process of which change is executed and developed within the organization. Change is something that affects all business and therefore all business managers must prepare their personnel and proc esses for change. Theories of Change Management Changes in the business environment are happening all the time and organisations must change the way they operate to compete effectively in their market. In order to change organisations must adopt change theories and approaches however with so many different approaches available an organisation must choose an approach that best suits its needs. Different managers will have different theories as to how change should be implemented and executed. Kurt Lewin is considered the forefather of planned approaches to change. Kurt Lewins Freeze Phases [Source: Higgs Rowland, 2005] Lewins model shows that change involves a move from one static state via a state of activity to another static state. Beers model states that change is more complex than the Lewin model and requires a more in-depth look at the process of change. Beers model focuses on a six-step process to achieve effective change, these steps concentrate on task alignmentwhereby employees roles, responsibilities and relationships are seen as the main component to bringing about effective change. The stages are: Mobilise commitment to change through joint diagnosis. Develop a shared vision of how to organise. Foster consensus, competence and commitment to shared vision. Spread the word about the change. Institutionalise the change through formal policies Another model that is often used is the Kotter Model. Kotter developed what he believed to be the eight critical steps to the successful implementation of change these steps are: Establish a sense of urgency Examining market and competitive realities and identifying and discussing crises, potential crises and opportunities. Form a powerful, guiding coalition Assembling enough people with the enough power to lead the change. Create a vision Create a vision to help direct the change and develop strategies for achieving the vision Communicate the vision Use every medium possible to communicate the vision and strategies to be implemented Empower others to act on the vision Get rid of obstacles to change and encourage risk taking and nontraditional ideas. Plan and create short term wins Plan for visible performance results and recognise and reward employees who are involved in the improvements Consolidate improvements and produce still more change Hiring, promoting and developing employees who can implement the vision. Institutionalising New Approaches Develop the means to ensure leadership development and succession. Impact and Barriers If change is not implemented in the correct manner, the impact upon the business can be devastating. Some of the workforce may decide to leave as they do not agree with what is be implemented and that leaves managers trying to fulfil orders or provide services with half a workforce which puts pressure on the rest of the workforce. Communication is key to help reduce barriers, for any change strategy to achieve its goal every member of staff within the organisation must be constantly communicating with executive managers. If staff members ask, Why do we need to do this? a manager must be able to give them a valid answer. Change normally affects both a businesss internal and external environments. Internally staff may feel that they have been left out of the loop and are just being told that they must accept the change or the reverse may happen the staff may be contributing heavily to the change and helping to direct the new vision. Externally an organisation may make an impact on thei r market by promoting a new service or product. There are a number of barriers to successful change both in terms of actually implementing the change and sustaining it. Employees must be able to flourish within an every changing environment to allow them to contribute to an organisations success. Listed below are some of the barriers an organisation may have to overcome to implement change successfully: Not enough understanding about the change itself Lack of leadership Lack of focus and strong project management of the change No engagement and/or buy-in of key stakeholders No clear process for managing endings and beginnings, and co-ordinating the change process Successes are not recognised, communicated Progress is not measured and the learning is not reviewed Change is very tiring and is often something that requires extra effort people need to see that this effort is paying off and their contribution is valued Conclusion Change must be managed, implemented, and executed in such a way that there is always communication between staff and managers. This allows for equilibrium and encourages growth and innovation within a company. Each change management theory has its strengths and weaknesses and each can be adapted to an organisations needs but I believe that managers must invite all staff to offer ideas on a creating a new vision for the company and thus driving the company forward as a whole. REFERENCES Hughes, M. (2006). Change Management: A Critical Perspective. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. ISBN: 1-84398-070-3. Armstrong, M (2004). Managing Organizational Change in Nigeria Manufacturing Enterprises: Lessons from the Unilever Nigeria Plc. AC Associated Content. Retrieved from http://www.medwelljournals.com/fulltext/?doi=ibm.2009.15.21 Syque. (2007). Lewins Freeze Phases. Changing Minds. Retrieved from Higgs, Malcolm, and John Wren. The Leadership of Change: a Study of Change Leadership within the UK Royal Air Force. Henley-on-Thames: Henley Management College, 2005. Print
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Goldstone needs to clearly define his expectations
It is clear from this case study that if Goldstone does not improve his performance he will lose his current management position. This report identifies and analyses the main issues and problems that Goldstone faces in his new role at Bulwark and also provides an improvement plan to lift performance.Over the period of 6 months since Goldstone accepted the branch management role, it has become evident that there are a number of problems and issues which need to be addressed, centred around his shortage of managerial behaviours (Yukl, 1998).Goldstone needs to clearly define his expectations of the sales team and then provide the required direction and support to facilitate the team consistently meeting those targets and expectations. Analysis Goldstone took an opportunity to move from a professional sales role into a management position at the urging of his previous manager and in the belief that he possessed the skills and knowledge to be a successful manager. He saw the role requirem ents from the biased viewpoint of a professional sales representative (Beyer et al, 1997) and once he started in the position was somewhat amazed to discover he was â€Å"†¦so wrong†.This revelation of the role demands, coupled with a shortage of Yukl’s managerial behaviours to allow him to adapt, has overwhelmed Goldstone in the first 6 months. It is likely that there was no formal management training program for Bulwark employees as part of an ongoing succession planning process, otherwise Goldstone would have had a more realistic expectation of the role requirements and had knowledge of the managerial skills needed to lead the sales team. This lack of management training is a shortcoming in Bulwark’s succession planning strategy.From the information provided in the case study it is assumed that the sales team is made up of a number of reps with varying degrees of self efficacy (Bandura, 1997). This is supported by the results of the survey conducted by G oldstone that showed an even 3-way split between satisfaction with his direction, neutral and wanting more direction. It is assumed that those with a high level of self efficacy, most likely developed through experience, are satisfied with his direction or are neutral as they are able to apply behavioural self management (BSM) techniques (Kanter and Schefft, 1988) and therefore feel that they require less direction.It is this group of reps which have driven the achievement of sales quotas in the second quarter. Those who want more direction are likely to be those who have a lower level of self efficacy and thus an increased need for development and mentoring. Goldstone’s inability to recognise the need for coaching and mentoring has resulted in significant problems managing two of his reps, Durkee and Puckett. He has provided Durkee with some support to help him through his personal problems, however has not addressed his performance issues.Durkee requires some coaching and m entoring to give him the skills to make the sale and build his self efficacy. He is already motivated as evidenced by his long hours and attention at sales meetings. There may be an opportunity to change his role within the sales team to better utilise his strengths to achieve targets and expectations. Puckett also needed some coaching and mentoring to assist in building her sales skills.Unfortunately Goldstone’s response to her approach for that assistance was to take away her delegated responsibility by completing the task himself which ultimately resulted in her leaving the company. Goldstone is also having problems managing Skrow, his branch’s top performer. Goldstone managed the conflict situation at the first sales meeting poorly when Skrow openly criticised the new investment products. It is clear from that incident that Skrow will require some extrinsic motivation if he is expected to sell the new products.In addition to this issue Skrow’s feeling of a l ack of equity in his treatment (Steers and Black, 1994) when Goldstone brought over the top performer from Spinnaker and gave him a corner office, may result in a loss in motivation to work at Bulwark. Improvement Opportunities I have identified two specific improvement opportunities to undertake if I was Goldstone. Firstly I would develop and implement a plan to improve my managerial skills and develop the required behaviours.Secondly, and concurrently, I would develop and implement a management by objectives (MBO) program (Managing People and Organisations, 2006) based on the targets and expectations set by corporate. To develop an improvement plan for my managerial skills I would initially seek some coaching from within the company. MacKinley has shown evidence of his willingness to assist and provide advice and Slake has offered his assistance on more than one occasion. I would arrange this coaching to occur on a regular basis, say 2 hours per week on the phone, and use real lif e scenarios as the basis for the coaching and advice.One obstacle that may arise is that MacKinley and Slake cannot provide coaching in all relevant aspects of management behaviour. This could be overcome by using external management consultants to supplement the internal coaching and provide a check that all aspects are being adequately addressed. The success of this coaching program could be measured through direct performance feedback from Ludlow and also utilising surveys of the sales reps to gauge their happiness with specific aspects of my management behaviour.
Friday, January 10, 2020
“EU Design’s Rise in the Apparel and Fashion Industry Essay
Current Management Style EU Design’s management style was founded in a very small business environment. There was little standardization of individual tasks. In a small business, everyone on staff is expected to be involved in all day-to-day business activities. This creates a very informal relationship between workers and management. In addition to the small business aspect, EU Design is in a creative industry. Many of the people in this industry are not trained or educated in formal business practices. A creative mindset takes precedence over the structure of the business. For EU Design, quality of product is not an issue at the present time. The company is ISO 9000 certified with SA8000 accreditation. However, growing into a larger company requires a more formal management style to ensure this quality is kept up to standard. EU Design needs to develop a mission statement and corporate vision for the employees to have a common goal as a move toward a more formal management style. Without a defined mission statement, employees will have their own ideas of the company’s goals. Once a mission statement and business strategy is established, EU Design needs to identify which performance metric is most essential to the continued growth of the company. Balanced Scorecard While financials such as return on capital and cash flow are imperative to the sustainability of a company, customer-related metrics such as quality and timeliness of delivery are of upmost importance to keep the clients who will provide the profit. Customer feedback and surveys will provide the measurement of the value being created for clients. This will help EU Design’s management focus more on what the client’s actual needs are instead of focusing on what they perceive customer needs to be. An example of the balanced scorecard would resemble the exhibit below: Objectives Measures Financial perspective – Increasing profitability and revenue – Return on assets -Increased sales revenue – Profit ratio Customer perspective – Customer loyalty – Attaining new customers – Orders from current customers – Orders from new customers Internal perspective – Adherence to schedule – Customer driven products – Productivity – Ratio of actual delivery times to planned schedule – Ratio of on time deliveries – Number of new collections and designs added Learning and Growth perspective – Increased communication within the company – Increased education of employees – Number of monthly meetings held – Total budget for education courses – Number of employees attending courses Internal inadequacies need to be pinpointed for optimal efficiency. Formal procedures and work practices should be established and documented. This will highlight aspects such as time management, efficiencies, and employee competency. This will allow management to keep abreast of the working environment and augment employee stability. Fashion trends come and go very quickly, and being able to recognize what is trending and the ability to supply quickly is imperative to success. Management must track trends and concentrate on key suppliers that are providing the product for current trends, and all employee efforts must be directed toward this goal. Establishment of clear-cut goals and procedures is necessary to achieve this. Formalization of management needs to begin from the top down. Berardi is too involved in day-to-day activities and cannot see the big picture of the company. He is functioning as an account manager and sales representative rather than performing duties of a CEO. He may not be able to make difficult decisions to cut or grow a particular segment because of his close involvement. Berardi needs to bring an employee up to take over his accounts so he can concentrate on his role of CEO. A new organizational structure would resemble the Exhibit 1. There needs to be standardization of communication between the two offices to ensure that all client information and requirements are shared and understood. Regular videoconference meetings with the staff of both offices can be implemented. Given the time difference one office would have to come in very early or the other office would stay late. This may be difficult but should be adhered to so all employees are receiving the same information. This could be tried on a monthly basis. These meetings would help to create a more cohesive environment between New York and Hong Kong. This would also give the Hong Kong office a chance to provide requested feedback to New York. As a supplement, an online open forum for questions from one office can be posted and answered by the other office when it opens. Incentive Systems Currently there is no formal incentive system. Many of the rewards are based on Berardi’s perception of employee performance. If he does not have the opportunity to have direct communication with all employees, it is a possibility that he is not able to appropriately assess individual performances. The employees themselves felt that â€Å"above-standard performance was not always noted.†This sometimes resulted in sub-optimal achievements being recognized while the employee going the extra mile was getting passed over. A new incentive system must include a formal evaluation method of employee performance. In order to evaluate, official job descriptions must be written to use as a benchmark. These descriptions give the employees the framework within which to efficiently perform their duties. The employee’s immediate supervisor must complete this evaluation. This is the person who has direct observance of day-to-day activities. Having the formal evaluation takes out the personal bias of the supervisors. Semiannual reviews will keep employees apprised of their performance and management expectations. This will benefit both the company and the employees by keeping them both focused on a common goal. To encourage the employees to be sales oriented, a commission system could be introduced. Since company money is already directed toward training courses and classes, offering employees sales training courses will give them the opportunity to take advantage of the new commission system. If funds are limited and an official sales manager cannot be hired, then the classes would be the most efficient way to educate employees. These classes would be directed toward the Junior Merchandisers. The current duties for this position would fit best with the new sales system. Although hiring office managers would be beneficial, in the present financial climate this may not be feasible. However, one employee in each location needs to be responsible for office operations. Both offices have an accountant on staff that report directly to Berardi. This person could take on the role of office manager. Since the accountant would be the most business-minded person, he or she would be most qualified to monitor the costs and inefficiencies within the office. Overall EU Design’s growth has been slow and steady, as evidenced by a five-year gross margin increase of almost 300 percent. This growth has necessitated a change in management style. If Berardi acknowledges that changes need to happen, the implementation should happen rather smoothly.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Epic of Gilgamesh Poem - 1357 Words
In the epic poem titled The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was a king who ruled over the Sumerian city of Uruk around 2600 B.C. Gilgamesh was a very powerful and strong king, but he realized that he must use his power to help the people of Uruk. He is two-thirds god and one third human, which makes him realize that he must reconcile with the fact that he will eventually face death. He realizes that he will not reach full immortality and needs to be satisfied with his responsibilities over his people. Gilgamesh is able to reach a balance between being a king, god and man by accepting his mortality and his duties over his people of Uruk. As a king, Gilgamesh went through a change. Gilgamesh built the city of Uruk with outstanding†¦show more content†¦When the gods create a human life, they will also make a decision when that human’s life will come to an end. He also explains that every humans destiny will be death, even when is hard to predict when it will exactly happen. When Gilgamesh finally finds Uta-napishti, he wants to know if Gilgamesh is serious about wanting to live forever. He tells Gilgamesh that if he really wants to cheat death, then he should sleep a full week without waking up. â€Å"Said Gilgamesh to him, to Uta-napishti the Distant: ‘No sooner had sleep spilled itself over me, than forthwith you touched me and made me awake!’ [said] Uta-napishti [to him,] to Gilgamesh†(96). Gilgamesh was unable to sleep all seven days. He realizes that he will not be able to escape death. He is quickly filled with grief and sadness. He realizes that he will not be able t o seek full immortality since he is one third human. He knows that he must reconcile with his mortality and become a better man for his people. Since Gilgamesh is two-thirds god, he is able to accomplish tasks that mortals are not able to and he is also able to take advantage of the power of the gods. When Gilgamesh and Enkidu go on their journey to fight the monster, Humbaba, they must travel to the Cedar Forest. The Cedar forest is a place that is forbidden mortals. Even though Gilgamesh knows it is forbidden to mortals he still wants to take this journeyShow MoreRelatedThe Poem Epic Of Gilgamesh 891 Words  | 4 PagesThe poem Epic of Gilgamesh highlights the complexand important roles of women in society long before notions of feminism became prevalent. This poem depicts not only the intellectual side of women but also solidifies them as beautiful, seductive, and powerful beings, who on a number of occasions evidence their equality and sometimes superiority to man. Take Shamhat for instance, she was a beautiful temple priestess, who was used to seduce the beast Enkidu, with her beauty and charm. 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The literature of Mesopotamia and Western Europe is a prime example of this. Beowulf, an Anglo-Germanic tale and The Epic of Gilgamesh, of the Sumerians, demonstrate perfectly, the ability of civilizations to convey the values and customs of their society through their literature. The setting for Beowulf is Scandinavia, before the time Christianity had spread its course.Read MoreBeowulf And The Epic Of Gilgamesh1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthe most widely known epic poems of their time were Beowulf and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Both Beowulf and Gilgamesh embody traits known exclusively of a hero. The poem of Beowulf and The Epic Gilgamesh both showcase the characteristics required of being an epic, in that they include a hero on a quest performing valorous deeds in an elevated style, while being protected by supernatural forces. The epic poem, Beowulf was based in the country of Denmark, while The Epic of Gilgamesh was based in a regionRead More The Epic of Gilgamesh is Truely an Epic Essay1690 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is Truely an Epic An epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.  The main characteristics of an epic as a literary genre is that it is a long poem that tells a story, it contains an epic hero, its hero searches for immortality (but doesnt find it physically, only through fame), gods or other supernatural beings are interested and involved, and it delivers an historical message. Read MoreThe Battle Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh931 Words  | 4 Pagesthe story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu partaking in their adventure to the edge of the Cedar Forest, and their encounter with a guard, an enemy. Throughout this battle, Gilgamesh loses faith in the couples ability to defeat the guard but is ultimately talked back into his heroic mindset by The Gods. In column VI, having just defeated the guard, Enkidu then finds himself in a similar situation to Gilgamesh, whereby he doubts their ability to defeat Humbaba, and it co mes down to Gilgamesh, and his leadershipRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 903 Words  | 4 Pagesquote than the epic. Epics in media are presented with high stakes, memorable heroes, and thought-provoking messages. They originated in preliterate societies and among the first epics is the ancient Mesopotamian poem called â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†. Written during the Third Dynasty of Ur, â€Å"Gilgamesh†tells the adventures of the eponymous king as he befriends an intended rival created by a goddess, slays monsters, and embarks a personal and perilous quest for eternal life. The poem is widely consideredRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Odyssey Essay1548 Words  | 7 Pagesmisogyny into stone. There are some exceptional cases in the famous epic poems, the Epic of Gilgamesh of the Sumerians and Akkadians and the Odyssey from Homer of the Greeks. We all can agree that these epic poems or at most the authors did not view women with our modern perspective – equality among gender. However, we cannot deny that female characters helped set the path of the epic heroes’ journey to their goals. In these epic poems, women are portrayed as figures and themes of knowledge, motherhood
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