Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Teen Pregnancy Is Becoming More Of An Issue - 992 Words
Teen pregnancy is becoming more of an issue in young Americans nowadays as we are the generation starting this we must attempt to slow down the process. Pregnancy is the period from conception to birth. After the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then implanted in the lining of the uterus later developing into a placenta and embryo to become a fetus and grow (the free dictionary). The miracle of life; teens seem to be experiencing this way to early on in life; Statistics show that in 2013 a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15-19 and they had only about a 26.5 % living rate per 1,000 women (â€Å"about teen pregnancy†). Although our percentage has dropped since the last couple of years America is still the nation with the largest number of teen pregnancies. As Jamie Foxx and T-Pain would have said just blame it on the alcohol. Nowadays more and more teens are being introduced to drugs and alcohol at a younger age. Yet it might just seem like a little fun and just a sip this can lead to mistakes they might regret. To make it worse if a mother is pregnant especially a teen mom and is drinking regularly this could cause great damage to the developing fetus. Alcohol can pass from the mother s blood into the baby s blood. It can damage and affect the growth of the baby s cells. Brain and spinal cord cells are most likely to have damage. The term fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) describes the range of alcohol effects on a child. The problems range from mild toShow MoreRelatedTeen Pregnancy : A Social Issue1371 Words  | 6 PagesTeen pregnancy is a very controversial social issue and the vast majority of Americans consider the outrageous rate of teen pregnancies a severe issue, certainly a problematic occurrence that is believed to be a moral decline in our country. Teenagers are physiologically capable of reproducing but not emotionally or financially prepared to be parents at such a tender age. Through various research studies a pletho ra of determinants has pin pointed teens unprecedented pregnancies. One cause of thisRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Sections I And II1738 Words  | 7 PagesTopic: Teenage Pregnancy Sections I and II Primary Audience: My primary audience is the citizens of the U.S.; this includes tax payers, parents, state officials, education officials and teen moms. In the U.S. we have several teens that are experiencing unprotected sex, without any knowledge of pregnancy prevention or sex education. When teen girls become pregnant, this also affects the parents. This is a huge responsibility and burden for all involved parties. Health benefits are needed forRead MoreProblems with Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma Essay1032 Words  | 5 Pageshas been ranked number two in teen birth rates according to a Tulsa World article. Teen pregnancy has always been a problem in America. More and more teens are becoming pregnant every day. Most of them can’t afford the expenses of birth control. Others do not know how to prevent it. Teen pregnancy can also cause education problems with the teen. Teen moms are not mature enough to handle raising a kid. Many kids who have parents who were young when they had them are more than likely going to grow upRead MoreThe Issue Of Teen Pregnancy1722 Words  | 7 PagesBut although she may have broken many barriers and achieved great accomplishments, there are still some deep rooted issues which continue to affect her in a most insidious manner. One of the issues that women face in the United States is teen pregnancy which is still an enormous problem that needs to be addressed. The rates are still higher than they were only a decade ago. Becoming a parent permanently and profoundly alters a teenager s life. Most of the girls forget about their dreams of happyRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : Teenage Pregnancy1404 Words  | 6 PagesLauryn Jones Block 5 4/27/16 What is Teen Pregnancy? Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20. A girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate which can be before her first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. In well-nourished girls, menarche usually takes place around the age of 12 or 13. Most teenage girls don t plan to get pregnant, but many do. Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the motherRead MoreEssay on Teen Pregnancy: How to Prevent It781 Words  | 4 PagesTeen Pregnancy Imagine it - Clicking through all the channels on television to find something that would strike any american’s interest. Young looking girls on the television are talking about their lives, and the issues they hold. The show is called Teen Mom. How could such vibrant young ladies have so much responsibility at this age? Why would they take on this role of motherhood when they themselves still depend on the assistance of their own parental figures? Shockingly, adolescent childrenRead MoreTeen Pregnancy and Graduation Rates1175 Words  | 5 Pages Teen pregnancy is surprisingly decreasing over the years. According to Farber, â€Å"the most recent studies have shown that there has been a decrease in the rate of pregnancies among all teenagers and among sexually active teenagers (16). Although this issue seems is decreasing this is still a problem faced by many teenage girls today. Each year, 7.5 percent of all 15-19 year old women become pregnant (Maynard 1). Not only does this issue affects the pregnant teen but it also affects the economy. TeenRead MoreTeenage Moms That Are Still In High School Get Pregnant1391 Words  | 6 Pagesare still in high school get pregnant at a young age, and are not able to support themselves or their child. There were just under a quarter million pregnancies in women ages fifteen to nineteen in 2014. About eighty-five percent of these pregnancies are unplanned, which in any population can increase the risk for problems. The biggest risk for teen mothers is delaying prenatal care or worse, about seven percent received no care at all. According to CDC, In 2014, almost 250,000 babies were bornRead MoreEssay on Teen Pregnancy1041 Words  | 5 PagesIt has been said that teens across the world have not been receiving enough sex education. This has led to many issues with teens becoming pregnant, which most of the time is unanticipated. Teenage pregnancy has been a social problem throughout the world for a number of decades now. Many studies have been completed in several countries that pertain to the amount of teens and the types of teens who are becoming pregnant. Rates among teens had been declining for some time, but are starting to takeRead MoreTeen Pregnancy is a Growing Problem in the United States1084 Words  | 4 PagesPlus, adolescent or teen pregnancy can be defined as â€Å"pregnancy in girls age 19 or younger†(para. 1). According to the CDC’s â€Å"Births: Final Data for 2012†report, for girls between the ages of 15-19 there were 305,388 live births, or 29.4 live births per 1,000 population (para. 1,2). Between the years of 2010 and 2012 there were 39 pregnancies recorded for girls between the ages of 10 and 19 in Seaside, Oregon and for the same time period and age group there were 110 pregnancies in Clatsop County
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Secret Truth on Funny Classification Essay Topics Uncovered
The Secret Truth on Funny Classification Essay Topics Uncovered Introducing Funny Classification Essay Topics Perhaps the main thing you must not forget is that you're required to compose an essay instead of simply to describe something. While the notion of skipping on a couple topics and categories can seem like a fantastic idea once it comes to a massive essay, it certainly does not make for good reading. Before you even begin thinking of what you will do it is vital to write about topics that you're conscious of or subjects you know. Thus the very best thing to do is to provide a straight answer and continue on. At any time you catch yourself feeling captivated by an individu essay or article, take a good look at it. Select an intriguing essay topic, and you'll start enjoying it. Zizek can't imagine a conclusion of our present ideological simulacra without a real end. The secret is that even once you know that you are right it is all but not possible to answer such questions without spoiling your reputation. Despite the fact that you're just beginning to compose essays, you shouldn't struggle attempting to develop something to discuss. One of the most important hiccups in choosing funny argumentative essay topics is that comedy is a rather touchy field, and various people have various opinions of what comedy is about. Once you hear the beginning of the question, think of how it might end. Here's What I Know About Funny Classification Essay Topics It's important to not forget that every category ought to have a single base for classification. As a means of sanity check, let's look at the period of the string in text column in every entry. One of the most intriguing sections of a classification essay is exploring the many ways which you can categorize the pieces of your subject. Yes, we women keep complaining because it's so common to deal wi th the event of being female differently than every other classification. If you've used a more intricate process for classification instead of identifying one or more criteria, you can want to devote an entire paragraph to this. System 2 might be the slow brain. System 1 is the quick brain. The first two forms of friendship may be broken. Starting with a simple thesis at the start of your work, don't hesitate to polish it later on, whenever your essay starts to take some shape. On our site you will discover considerably more useful exceptional information that will certainly be beneficial for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, in addition to, for instance, application essays for college for future students. You must concentrate on that and then it is simply as funny as it sounds in English. Whispered Funny Classification Essay Topics Secrets There are a large array of suggestions to consider on a wide range of topics, so choose one that best interests you. The topics must have two sides and they need to b e quite intriguing. Actually, you've probably seen dozens of articles on the internet that are written and even structured the exact same way an essay needs to be. Narrow your choices to a couple topics, and then brainstorm for a couple of minutes about each topic. When you're writing such essay, the purpose is to come out with the ideal college essays. Using logic is paramount to a thriving classification essay. Now, if you prefer to understand how to compose a grant proposal with some funny twist to it, you've got to stick with us too. The fundamental purpose to divide the whole essay into various categories is to acquire more thorough understanding on the larger subject. These algorithm should be trained with various different and challenging datasets to perform to its finest. Now you may be thinking about how to compose a classification essay outline. More info on the dataset can be seen from the hyperlink. The classification essay format wants a framework, also. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you have to clearly show your analytical skills. Otherwise, you have to have a look at a number of the easy compare and contrast essay topics on the many scientific innovations. Whenever you do, you are able to now write on topics which are humorous to them. To aid you with your choice what things to write, classification essay topics in a variety of categories are provided below.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Sons Lovers Essay Example For Students
Sons Lovers Essay Sons Lovers. A Short Summary. The first part of the novelfocuses on Mrs. Morel and her unhappy marriage to a drinking miner. She hasmany arguments with her husband, some of which have painful results: onseparate occasions, she is locked out of the house and hit on the head with adrawer. Estranged from her husband, Mrs. Morel takes comfort in her fourchildren, especially her sons. Her oldest son, William, is her favorite, andshe is very upset when he takes a job in London and moves away from the family. When William sickens and dies a few years later, she is crushed, not evennoticing the rest of her children until she almost loses Paul, her second son,as well. From that point on, Paul becomes the focus of her life, and the twoseem to live for each other. Paul falls in love with Miriam Leivers, who liveson a farm not too far from the Morel family. They carry on a very intimate, butpurely platonic, relationship for many years. Mrs. Morel does not approve ofMiriam, and this may be the main reason that Paul does not marry her. Heconstantly wavers in his feelings toward her. Paul meets Clara Dawes, a suffragette who isseparated from her husband, through Miriam. As he becomes closer with Clara andthey begin to discuss his relationship with Miriam, she tells him that heshould consider consummating their love and he returns to Miriam to see how shefeels. Paul and Miriam reconcile and are briefly happy,but shortly afterward, Paul decides that he does not want to marry Miriam, andso he breaks off with her. She still feels that his soul belongs to her, and,in part agrees reluctantly. He realizes that he loves his mother most, however. After breaking off his relationship with Miriam,Paul begins to spend more time with Clara and they begin an extremelypassionate affair. However, she does not want to divorce her husband Baxter,and so they can never be married. Pauls mother falls ill and he devotes muchof his time to caring for her. When she finally dies, he is broken-hearted and,after a final plea from Miriam, goes off alone at the end of the novel.1AN ANALYSISFirst published in 1913, Sons and Lovers is regarded as D. H. Lawrences first major novel. The novel has always been consideredcontroversial and has been banned many times in America and in Europe. This isdue to Lawrences frank treatment of human sexuality and sexual themes. Most of what people haveobjected to is Lawrences depiction of sex. Today, this matters less, butconsidering the era in which he wrote, his portrayal is quite visionary. Besides the vivid depictions of sex and sexuality in Sons and Lovers, Lawrence relied heavily on sexual symbolism. Muchof his symbolism was Freudian-based, as Lawrence was fascinated by the Austrianpsychiatrist and the then-emerging study of psychiatry. However, this sexuality is notthe focus of the work. Sons and Loversprimarily deals with two main themes. First is the conflict between the maincharacter, Paul Morel, and his mother, Gertrude Morel. This relationship is asbeautiful as it is destructive. The nature of their special relationship hasbeen noted as being Oedipal.The other theme is attractionand repulsion in love, explored through Paul Morel and his two lovers, Claraand Miriam, who are quite opposites. Clara is a feminist who is married, andMiriam is a sort of shy country girl. The novel begins with GertrudeMorel and her husband Walter, an unhappy marriage that provides so muchconflict in the life of their son Paul. Because of this relationship, Gertrudespends more and more of her time doting on the children, Paul, William, Annieand Arthur. However, she has the most intimate relationship with her middleson, Paul. This relationship is a focal point for much of the work. As thestory progresses Paul grows from infancy to adulthood. During this time, Pauldiscovers women. This leads to much and continuous conflict between these women(Clara and Miriam) and Pauls mother, who feels she is on conflict with themfor Pauls affection. This conflict is the most basic, underlying idea in thenovel. The conflict has many adverseeffects on Pauls ability to form long lasting relationships with members ofthe opposite sex. The conflict finally ends with the death of Gertrude. Herdeath is arguably a necessary end to Pauls continued lack of long lastingrelationships.2The Morel fa mily as a whole canbe seen as one full of distraught and a family that has been mismanaged. Most of the familys struggle isrooted in the love/hate relationship between Walter and Gertrude Morel. Gertrude always felt a mixture of love and anguish for Walter(Lawrence 66). One of the largest problems with their whole marriage is thatthey are quite opposite individuals. Walter was brought up with littleeducation or religion and is happy with the conditions of their poverty. Gertrude, on the other hand, was brought up as a well educated, puritanicalwoman with a natural penchant for bettering herself and a vehement hatred forher socio-economic position. How could it be that these twoopposites attract each other thus? Perhaps this attraction is rooted in thepresence of dual selves within the pair. For example, Gertrude is a Puritan bynature, but a truly sensual being by demeanor. This should mesh quite nicelywith Walters boorish appearance and more gentle heart (54). Despite hisoutward appearance, Morel does truly have a gentle nature. If he did not reallyhave a conscience, he would have left Gertrude out in the cold to freeze afterhe locked her out. Instead, he opened the latch and let her in. He is soashamed by his behavior that he ran quickly to bed in order to avoid his wife. Antigone by Sophocles is one of the most distingui EssayMany of the symbols used in Sons andLovers are phallic in nature, and are centered on the novels main ideathat the phallus has much power over the relationships of men and women. An example of this core thoughtlies in the following passage: The great horse breathedheavily, shifting round its red flanks, and looking suspiciously with itswonderful big eyes upwards from under its lowered head and fallingmane(Lawrence 211). The horse represents the naturaland unforced power that will cause a rift in Paul and Claras relationship, arift that will lead Paul to Miriam. The horse is a classic Freudian phallicsymbol. Thus, Lawrences core idea is alluded to. The horses unbridled vigourrepresents a rift the influence the phallus will have on Paul and Clara andtheir relationship. Another phallic symbol used byLawrence is the hen. In one part of Sonsand Lovers, Miriam is afraid of letting a hen peck seed out of her hand. Later, when she overcomes this fear, Paul comes upon Miriam warily feeding thehen and provides comfort during Miriams ordeal. Paul provides such phrases asIt wont hurt you (Lawrence 172) and other supportive phrases thatbring to mind the physical act of love. The hen is representative of thephallic power once again acting upon the man and woman. In this case, a forcedraws the two together. Besides the kind of sexualsymbolism that has many levels of meaning and importance, is a kind that issuperficial. Lawrence is, perhaps, best known for his use of more blatantsymbolism (Van Ghent 22). This use of sexual symbolism is obvious and not intendedto convey any deep and insightful meanings. This use of symbolism exitsprimarily to provide mood. In the sequence in which Clara and Paul firstconsummate their relationship, Claras red carnations drop their petals allover her clothes and on the ground. The representation is obvious: the end ofher virginity. Lawrence was very fond of blatant symbol ism such as this. Sons and Lovers was Lawrences first great novel, and many of thedevices he used in its writing became trends in his later works. 5BIBLIOGRAPHY:1. Sons and Lovers, an overall summary, Sons and LoversOverview, The Morels, A Case Study in Dysfunction, Eleanor Sullo, D. H Lawrence and the relationships in Sonsand Lovers, Symbolism in Sonsand Lovers,
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business
In the light of the globalization, the problem of corporate responsibility and ethics in a business problems have come to the fore. In order to promote corporate responsibility in a business balance, it is necessary to strike the balance between compliance-based and integrity-driven approaches.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In particular, managers should pay attention to the way employees adhere to legal standards; yet, understanding the value of integrated approaches to accomplishing organization objective is important as well. With regard to the cases under analysis, the strict emphasis should be placed on the role of utilitarianism viewpoint as the foundational principles in considering conflicting situations. Implementing compliance or ethics programs does not directly relate to the ethical dilemmas that occur in the workplace. In fact, the actual reasons for emerging conflicts consist in manager’s ability to shape organization vision, mission, and codes of conduct. As a prove Payne states, â€Å"†¦organizational ethics means more than avoiding illegal practice†(106). Therefore, Apple’s case of launching new products is justified from utilitarian perspective because the outcomes of their actions are more reasonable than original intent. From an ethical perspective, mitigating $ 200 decrease seems to be approved because the company strived to avoid decline in sales and profitability. Besides, boosting the capacity of other products has also allowed the organization to sustain normal development and motivate employees to work efficiently. Once again, utilitarian perspective approves the decision made by the managers because it does not do any harm both to the buyers and to the employees. Therefore, introducing decrease in price can only attract more customers and increase the popularity of the new model. The moral worth of the case is more focused on the outcomes rather than on the initial purposes. While applying utilitarian point of view, Apple’s actions could be ethically justified because the new product has been launched for maximizing the utility of the old model. On the one hand, launching a new model in half a year is an ordinary process in a rapidly developing technological world.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, a price increase for the products could not be regarded as an ethical dilemma because experienced customers should be aware of the paces of the product development and could have waited for the new model to appear. On the other hand, Apple could immediately present a discount on iPhone 5 model, or provide a beneficial offer. For instance, a $ 200 rebate on old models can be established, which is a g ood substitution for $ 200 increase for the development of the new model (Reeves n. p.). As a result, utilitarian ethics rigidly confronts the deontological perspective because the virtue ethics could not be applied in this case. The utilitarian viewpoint provides a full picture of Apple’s case challenges and problems. In particular, the company was expected to launch a new product, although the original intentions seemed to be unclear. However, further business actions were directed at reducing the price for the models, as well as developing new products that could enhance the demand and increase the customer base. Such a decision also positively influences the welfare of the Apple employees. With regard to the SOX disclosure initiative, Apple’s case could be approved a swell because transparent reporting could become beneficial both for the company managers and for the customers buying this product (Siegel n. p.). Finally, utilitarian perspective focuses on the outco mes and, therefore, consumers could be more encouraged to buy Apple products. Works Cited Payne, Lynn Sharp. â€Å"Managing for Organizational integrity†. Harvard Business Review. 1994: 106-117. Web. Reeves, Clayton. â€Å"Subtle Innovation: Apple’s Incremental Improvement Strategy†, Seeking Alpha. 2012. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Siegel, Marc A. â€Å"Option Backdating: Corporate Governance Remains a Challenge†. The CPA Journal. 2007. Web. This essay on The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business was written and submitted by user Nathalie Hawkins to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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